Still Searching, But For What?!?

Since losing my job with Sternberg, my job search efforts which were already underway have picked up significantly.  I have applied for many positions, with many different companies.

I’ve gotten several interviews, but not much more than that.

I had an interesting interview with Smithville Telephone Company (our telephone and DSL provider).  It was for a DSL support technician.  I thought the interview went well, and was told that I would be informed of a decision either way by “early” this week.  I’m still waiting…..

I had an inproptu interview at IU, in my wifes’ old stomping ground.  Interestingly enough the department I interviewed with is “somewhat” of a competitor for students with her new department.  It went great!  It’s the best interview I’ve had in a long time.  In a joking manner, the director of the department actually told me I should just stay at home since my wife’s a “big shot now.”  The job is perfect for me, as it’s mainly scanning transcripts and admission applications for the department.  I’m everything but an expert in that department, with my business experience, and the scanning I did for Baxter, I should be a shoe in.  We’ll see I guess.

Today I applied for jobs with Cook Pharmica and Whitestone.  I had to take a 6 hour test from hell just to apply to Cook Pharmica.

I still don’t know what I’m looking for exactly though.  The job market in this area is pretty bad right now.  So bad that in the end, I will probably be looking at least a 20% pay cut, if not more.  That’s just to get a job, not a job I want or desire.

The Stress is Over, For Now

After 4 of the longest months of my life, I am finally free.  I “lost” my job at Sternbergs.  It became a living nightmare, and the most painful thing I have ever had to do.  I wanted to quit, but couldn’t.  I started searching for other means of employment but still haven’t found another position.

All I can say about the job, is that it’s the worst I’ve ever had, and that’s saying a lot!  As a teenager, I would go through jobs like most women go through clothes.

I was treated worse than the dirt I cleaned.  Many would make messes just because they knew I would have to clean them.  I was also not allowed to use the forklift, for no reason at all!  When I started asking questions, I was terminated.

My mowing opportunity was cut short with no reason at all, I received the last of my money on the day I was fired.

I’m not upset, but not happy at the same time.  It’s almost like after you experience the “O” word, you’re relaxed, stress free and have no worries.

Hopefully I will never feel like I look in this picture anymore.

So a new search is on.  A search for a job, and a search for a career.  I have scheduled a test required for Cook Pharmica and applied to PTS Electronics and Monroe Hospital.  Wish me luck!

A New Venture

I have officially decided to try to expand my very small mowing business.  Just to emphasize how small it is, I only have one customer!  And that’s my current employer.

It seems to be more lucrative than video transfers, but my heart will always belong to it.

I am tired of working for someone else.  I think a vast majority of americans agree with me on that point.  I’m taking the first step to be my own boss.

My wife and I created the flyer below, I have printed 100 of them and I’m currently working on sending them out.  I specifically picked a wide variety of businesses, churches and upper middle class to upper class homeowners who might already pay to have someone handle their yard work.

I hope to receive a 25% rate of return on this venture.  If so the possibility of me being self employed is quite possible.

The only problem with a business of this type is the shear number of them in the area, literally hundreds!  I do have one leg up on them though, the same leg I have with my video business, I can undercut anyone due to my lack of expenses.  I have good equipment, and do a good job.  I’m not trying to get rich, I’m just hoping to make the same as I do now.

Wish me luck, please?

And Justice For All

In my “tween” years, as they are called, I had a very hard time.  So hard in fact, that in a desperate measure, I brought a BB gun to school in an attempt to put an end to lots of frustration.

I was forced out of the only home I knew, only to be thrown into a one bedroom apartment with my mother (who just got back from Texas) on the other side of town.  It was 1992, so cell phones and the internet were not as dominant as they are now.

My mother didn’t live in a “good” area, but it could have been worse.  The key problem for me was leaving everyone and thing I knew.  Even though I was in the same town, I felt as if I was in a whole other state.

I was also alone most of this time as my mother just started working for General Electric, 2nd shift.  She still works for them today.

So what does an 11 year old boy do in a strange neighboorhood, knowing nobody around?  I went out and tried to make friends with other people around my age.  This quest as it seemed to be, was one of the hardest things I ever tried to do.  At the time I thought I only made enemies.

By the time school started (6th grade) all of the boys in my class literally hated me.  They would plan events with the main focus being “how to hurt Lee.”  They only backed off after I shot one of them with the previously mentioned BB gun, and pushed another into the path of an oncoming truck.

During this dark and trying time of my life, I only had one friend I could count on, Justice.  He was very small for his age, a trait that I could relate with, as I was big for my age.  We shared many interests and had great times.

Justice didn’t have a good “home life.”  His mother was unable to work and had to support him and his older brother (Scott).  At the time, I didn’t understand why they didn’t have a car or other things I just took for granted.

Around 1994 Justice was taken away from his mom for reasons unknown to me.  He called me in 1995 and let me know that he had been placed in a foster home, and was in southern Indiana.

That was the last time I spoke with him, until Wednesday night.

I couldn’t believe the assortment of feelings that were rushing through me.  It blew me away.  He told me that he has been looking for me off and on for about 4 years.

From what he said, his life has been a non stop rollercoaster since I last spoke with him 12 years ago.  I hope to see him up in Muncie next weekend.

Who said Myspace is bad, is wrong.  I have done nothing but find friends I haven’t spoken to in years via it.

Heres to you Justice!


It’s been a long time since I last posted.  Part of me feels bad for leaving it abandoned for so long, I wouldn’t even have this if it weren’t for the kindness of Editor B.

Since starting my new job, I have felt “disconnected.”  My life has been connected to computers and technology since I was a teenager and I haven’t had the time to enjoy my computer much lately.  I cannot access computers while at work

Many things have happened since then, so I will update.  Hang on, cause there is much to say.

My daughter has officially graduated 1st grade, and left the state.  She took my heart with her.  With the help of my wife (thanks Rach) we made her a goodbye present.  A DVD filled with a slideshow with pictures of her and everyone who loves her.  It also included video of many of her loved ones saying goodbye and giving some life lessons.

I’ll miss you sweetheart!

My video business has suddenly picked up.  I am now more busy than not with projects people are wanting me to do for them.  I am going to advertise for the first time as well.  It also helps out high schoolers so I say why not?  I have also added a new service:  Cassette tape to CD or MP3 transfers! 

Work has been crazy.  I have been pushed to a point where I no longer think of it as a possible career anymore, just a job.  I am treated like scum, which is also what I clean.  With the heat and humidity, I can barely stand it.  Just like a few of my co-workers.

My little sister has moved in with us for a couple of weeks.  Her lease was up, and she has a new place lined up.  It’s just a matter of timing until she gets in.

We have picked up the pace on house projects.  Over the last few weekends we have removed the hideous wallpaper around our home.

Interestingly enough, underneath all of this were drawings.  These drawings were made by the children who lived here at the time.  We only have the kitchen and Taylor’s room to go.  Currently I am prepping the walls for paint.  We need them to be as perfect as possible for the deep, rich tones we have decided on for paint.

I also installed a new light fixture in our dining room.  We found a beautiful set for the dining room and foyer areas.  The one for the foyer has 2 tiers and is much larger.  Installation will be a different story though, as the ceiling is 1 1/2 stories high.

I cut down the dead tree in our backyard, that was fun!  I haven’t done that in over 10 years!  I have cleaned up much of it, but there is a lot more to go.  I am saving as much as possible for firewood, as I would like to use my fireplace sometime.

I wrecked my truck:(

The damage isn’t bad, just the bumper and a side piece to it.  I was returning from mowing at work, and while backing up jack-knifed my trailer.  It’s easy to do with a trailer that’s so small you can’t see it behind you.  And it just happens that my neighbors grandson just wrecked his truck which is essientially the same as mine.  It’s totalled, but the bumper is good!  I spoke with him today and I might get a new bumper on the cheap!

Hopefully once a few things settle down, I can start posting more often.

It’s Just a Little Work

I thought I would give the maybe 10 people who look at my blog an update about my job.  I had a rough start, but I think things are starting to come together.  I am starting to really know my fellow co-workers, I am starting to understand the hierarchy of Sternberg’s and I am starting to really learn what is expected of me.

Some interesting things have happened in the last few days.  I will start with my new title, Independent contractor.  It may sound weird, but I am now also a contractor for the same place of my primary employment.  It all started with the grass (not marijuana) the real stuff.  They expect me to mow a small portion of grass along Dillman road, no problem.  The other section of grass is along highway 37, and they wanted to hire this job out, as the terrain is somewhat rough.  The problem is they didn’t want to pay the minimum someone would come out for, $100.  When I heard of this situation, I immediately jumped to action!

I told my boss, Ron, that I had the capabilities to do it, but no way to transport my mower to the location.  I also stated that I would do it for what they were willing to pay, if the company would work with me on finding a suitable trailer.  I guess Ron had an old trailer lying around and he asked me if I would buy it on the cheap, and on payments.  His only request is that when the company pays me for my services, I pay him some of it until his price is paid.

I have wanted a trailer since I purchased my mower for this house.  It is almost impossible, and very impractical to move my mower places with my truck.  But the “boss” says no.  She couldn’t refuse this one though.  We are picking it up tomorrow.  I am expecting something that is usable, but needing work.  The only thing that matters at this point is that it is usable.  I will work on it as time and money allow.

In other “work” news, cleaning the floor is one of my biggest duties.  Currently I use a floor scrubbing machine to handle most of this task.  The only major problem is that this machine is on it’s last leg.  It doesn’t scrub that well, and it doesn’t wet the floor (I fill a 5 gallon bucket with a soap solution and pour it onto the area to be cleaned).  The last estimate to return it to total working condition was $1500.  Because of this, my boss and his boss had a company come over and demo some new floor scrubbers for us.  I happily got to use one of these models.  The one that was the “fan favorite” was a newer generation of what we have with 2 differences.  It is a little smaller (which is a good thing) and it uses a different brush system which sweeps instead of scrubs.  Working in a truck shop, this is critical as dirt, dust, grease, oil and many other objects get compacted into the pavement.

I have made a big difference in the appearance of the shop thus far.  I have all of the small things done, now it’s bigger things, such as painting that need to be done. 

Such a Hate/Love Relationship

5 things I hate about my new job:

1.  I have to work 8.5 hours instead of 8, with only a 30 minute lunch.
2.  I am continusly wondering what to do, it’s getting crazy.
3.  I wonder how long this can last.
4.  I often feel alone in this job, as the shop is much larger, with less people.
5.  I get the feeling from a few people that they think of me as someone to clean up “their” messes.  I am not a maid.

5 things I love about my new job:

1.  I am working day hours.
2.  I no longer have to work weekends.
3.  I’m in a much friendlier environment.
4.  I’m not as tired all the time anymore.
5.  I get to spend quality time doing things besides sleeping.

Nothing a little compare/contrast won’t bring out.

The Last Shift

Tonight as I sit here I am trying to figure out an ingenious way to say “goodbye.”

I am due to start at Sternbergs on Monday, and didn’t have time to give an official notice.

I left many, many jobs as a teenager by interesting means.  When I was a landscaper, I really wanted out.  I called my mom and told her to come where I was and tell the supervisor that I had a doctors appointment.  She came, we left and I never looked back.

I feel as if I need to “leave my mark,” but I’m not sure how.  I thought of leaving the manager a note.  It would read:  I wanted to write a poem, I wanted to write a letter.  In the end, f*** you sounded much better.  Thank you for the 5 months that I appreciated so.  I have come to find that my family means more to me than any job.  Of course, you don’t have to worry about such things.

What repurcussions might I face?  This place is a customer of my new employer.  Could I be “haunted” from beyond?  That’s the only thing holding me back from performing this deed.

Free At Last, Free At Last

Those very famous words, spoken by the immortal Dr. Martin Luther King are exactly what I’m feeling now.

Today, I accepted an offer for a new job.  I finally get to leave my horrible work hours, days and conditions behind.  Thank God!

The new position is at Sternberg, an International truck dealership.  They are headquartered out of Jasper Indiana, with locations in Evansville and Bloomington.  The position isn’t glamourous by any means, I will be simply cleaning up the shop.  The best part is I can have a life again, as it is Monday thru Friday (with some Saturdays) and 7:30 to 4:30.  Small world, my wife’s hometown is 10 minutes away from Jasper!

It is in a place with the same atmosphere as where I’m currently working (a truck shop), but there is room for advancement within the company and other “normal” benefits.  What’s normal you ask?  Try holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.

All I feel is joy, I never realized how better I would feel about a new job.

The person hiring me has done a very quick job.  I applied to the position last Thursday, had an interview Monday and was offered the position today!  He called here and spoke with my wife first thing this morning and said “he wanted to talk to me.”  She immediately called me and told me to call him.  I was still at my soon to be old job, so I went and hid and started calling.  Their automated night time system was still on and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone for a while, once I did I told him I would be there asap.

I will miss my co-worker CJ, as he has become a dear friend.  I told him this morning about everything before I left, as I am on my weekend now and wouldn’t see him again until Sunday night.  He gave me his digits and told me to call him.  I told him the same.  I’ll miss you CJ!

Things at FirstLease were getting to a breaking point, and I’m glad to be gone.  I was a temp there the whole time, 2 months after I started they hired another temp.  Just a week or so ago they hired him as a permanent employee, but didn’t mention a thing to me.  The climate there is very hostile, and discrimintory.  There are a select few who can do no wrong (but do all the time) and then the rest are always “on notice.”  CJ has a picture and sign on his toolbox, that are quite funny.  The picture has 3 people figures of different colors and it says, “equal what???.”  The other is a sign made out of cardboard, it says “Discrimination Lane.”  I think that paints the picture of how he sees the place.

Thank God Almighty I’m Free At Last.

We’re Back

How time flys when your having fun.

We kept busy on our trip to Orlando and Daytona Beach Florida.  Our first three days were spent primarily at 3 different Disney theme parks, Animal Kingdom, MGM Studios and of course what I call “Disney World” but is formally known as The Magic Kingdom.

The ladies had some troubles on our trip.  Taylor was getting over strep throat, and Rachel was was starting to have symtoms of what is now known as bronchitis.

The most breathtaking part of the trip was our visit to the beach.  I had never been to Daytona Beach before, and it had been around 25 years since I had been to the atlantic ocean.  To keep Taylor away from the typical Spring Break festivities we went to the north side of Daytona.  We got to actually drive right onto the beach!

I was amazed at how fine and soft the sand was, and how calming the sounds of the tides were.

We took over 300 pictures and shot almost an hour of video.  I am currently working on uploading the pictures, and will post some as soon as possible.

Now it’s back to life as usual, and next week we have our new heat pump installed.  Right before we left we received our electric bill, $260 – ouch!