Meet Gil!

If you’re in Bloomington, and decide to go to the Fun Frolic.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT play the “win a bunny game.”

We did, and are now proud parents to a 7 week old bunny, we decided to name Gillham or Gil for short.  Gillham is the name of the street we live on.

I must admit, he is quite adorable.  What’s even better is how he doesn’t have a care in the world for the cats!  He sniffs and goes on.  It’s quite amazing since the cats are at least 3 times his size.

We are going to take the responsible adult approach and “try” caring for him as a pet.  If it becomes too much to handle we might find a better home for him.  He is in a much better home than he was at the Fun Frolic at this point.  The poor bunnys were being kept outside in the mid 90’s humid heat.

We are mainly keeping him in a cage right now, at least once a day we are letting him out into a controlled environment.  I’ve read that this is best for younger bunnies, to give them their freedom in slow increments.  It is also important for them to feel loved, but not man-handled.

And Justice For All

In my “tween” years, as they are called, I had a very hard time.  So hard in fact, that in a desperate measure, I brought a BB gun to school in an attempt to put an end to lots of frustration.

I was forced out of the only home I knew, only to be thrown into a one bedroom apartment with my mother (who just got back from Texas) on the other side of town.  It was 1992, so cell phones and the internet were not as dominant as they are now.

My mother didn’t live in a “good” area, but it could have been worse.  The key problem for me was leaving everyone and thing I knew.  Even though I was in the same town, I felt as if I was in a whole other state.

I was also alone most of this time as my mother just started working for General Electric, 2nd shift.  She still works for them today.

So what does an 11 year old boy do in a strange neighboorhood, knowing nobody around?  I went out and tried to make friends with other people around my age.  This quest as it seemed to be, was one of the hardest things I ever tried to do.  At the time I thought I only made enemies.

By the time school started (6th grade) all of the boys in my class literally hated me.  They would plan events with the main focus being “how to hurt Lee.”  They only backed off after I shot one of them with the previously mentioned BB gun, and pushed another into the path of an oncoming truck.

During this dark and trying time of my life, I only had one friend I could count on, Justice.  He was very small for his age, a trait that I could relate with, as I was big for my age.  We shared many interests and had great times.

Justice didn’t have a good “home life.”  His mother was unable to work and had to support him and his older brother (Scott).  At the time, I didn’t understand why they didn’t have a car or other things I just took for granted.

Around 1994 Justice was taken away from his mom for reasons unknown to me.  He called me in 1995 and let me know that he had been placed in a foster home, and was in southern Indiana.

That was the last time I spoke with him, until Wednesday night.

I couldn’t believe the assortment of feelings that were rushing through me.  It blew me away.  He told me that he has been looking for me off and on for about 4 years.

From what he said, his life has been a non stop rollercoaster since I last spoke with him 12 years ago.  I hope to see him up in Muncie next weekend.

Who said Myspace is bad, is wrong.  I have done nothing but find friends I haven’t spoken to in years via it.

Heres to you Justice!


It’s been a long time since I last posted.  Part of me feels bad for leaving it abandoned for so long, I wouldn’t even have this if it weren’t for the kindness of Editor B.

Since starting my new job, I have felt “disconnected.”  My life has been connected to computers and technology since I was a teenager and I haven’t had the time to enjoy my computer much lately.  I cannot access computers while at work

Many things have happened since then, so I will update.  Hang on, cause there is much to say.

My daughter has officially graduated 1st grade, and left the state.  She took my heart with her.  With the help of my wife (thanks Rach) we made her a goodbye present.  A DVD filled with a slideshow with pictures of her and everyone who loves her.  It also included video of many of her loved ones saying goodbye and giving some life lessons.

I’ll miss you sweetheart!

My video business has suddenly picked up.  I am now more busy than not with projects people are wanting me to do for them.  I am going to advertise for the first time as well.  It also helps out high schoolers so I say why not?  I have also added a new service:  Cassette tape to CD or MP3 transfers! 

Work has been crazy.  I have been pushed to a point where I no longer think of it as a possible career anymore, just a job.  I am treated like scum, which is also what I clean.  With the heat and humidity, I can barely stand it.  Just like a few of my co-workers.

My little sister has moved in with us for a couple of weeks.  Her lease was up, and she has a new place lined up.  It’s just a matter of timing until she gets in.

We have picked up the pace on house projects.  Over the last few weekends we have removed the hideous wallpaper around our home.

Interestingly enough, underneath all of this were drawings.  These drawings were made by the children who lived here at the time.  We only have the kitchen and Taylor’s room to go.  Currently I am prepping the walls for paint.  We need them to be as perfect as possible for the deep, rich tones we have decided on for paint.

I also installed a new light fixture in our dining room.  We found a beautiful set for the dining room and foyer areas.  The one for the foyer has 2 tiers and is much larger.  Installation will be a different story though, as the ceiling is 1 1/2 stories high.

I cut down the dead tree in our backyard, that was fun!  I haven’t done that in over 10 years!  I have cleaned up much of it, but there is a lot more to go.  I am saving as much as possible for firewood, as I would like to use my fireplace sometime.

I wrecked my truck:(

The damage isn’t bad, just the bumper and a side piece to it.  I was returning from mowing at work, and while backing up jack-knifed my trailer.  It’s easy to do with a trailer that’s so small you can’t see it behind you.  And it just happens that my neighbors grandson just wrecked his truck which is essientially the same as mine.  It’s totalled, but the bumper is good!  I spoke with him today and I might get a new bumper on the cheap!

Hopefully once a few things settle down, I can start posting more often.