Catching Up

I’ve been too busy lately with all of my on-going projects to post any lately.  Since I’ve got some free time, let me update you about the ongoings happening in my life.

It’s a Girl:  We found out last Wednesday that we’re expecting a baby girl.  While Rachel is happy she’s having her first child, I’m a bit indifferent.  I’m not saying that I’m disappointed, I was just hoping for a boy – merely because I already have a daughter.  She was acting up during the ultrasound and wouldn’t let the technician get a good look at her heart, so Rachel is going to have another ultrasound during her next appointment, just to make sure she’s developing normally.  We have had a boy’s name picked out for over a year now, but have been having trouble with a girl one.  We’ve finally decided on 2 – which we are keeping secret until she’s born.

Remodeling Blues:  I’ve been over-occupied lately with remodeling.  While I have made a lot of progress, there is still much to do.  Last week I finished the next to last set of wires I need to pull.  It was a complete nightmare, but this will give us some flexibility in the layout of our living room in the future.  My next job is to cover up our duct run and post downstairs.  We have decided to use some decorator panels downstairs instead of paneling or drywall.  These panels are relatively inexpensive and will eliminate the majority of painting we would need to do with our original plan.  I hope to get the downstairs almost complete by the time I go back to school in June.

No Flash:  Friday while in the midst of “wire pulling hell” I wanted to take some pictures.  I discovered our camera, a Nikon Coolpix 7600 has a problem.  The flash isn’t cooperating, you can’t turn it on in most of it’s modes – and even in the modes it does “function” it doesn’t work.  We’re working on finding a solution and have found a nice one with the Nikon Coolpix S210.  Now it’s just a matter of purchasing it.

Demon’s Are Gone:  The spring semester has officially ended.  The last few weeks were quite the nail biter, as I did horrible on 2 chapter tests in my Math-050 course.  I’m pleased to say that after 10 years of taking this course off and on, I have passed it with an 86%.  This summer I am taking 5 courses, this will enable me to finish my degree in 7 semesters.  With a baby coming, the sooner the better.  The next course I am dreading is Math-111, I took it once and failed.  I hope with 050 off my back, and a little help from Rachel I can conquer this as well.  I’ve decided to change my degree and concentration.  I originally was seeking an Associates of Science in Computer Information Technology with a  PC Support & Administration concentration, after reviewing the coursework I know a little about everything.  I don’t feel like I’ll be challenged or forced to use my brain to it’s full extent for that matter.  I’ve decided to get an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems with a Programmer / Analyst concentration.

Free Tix:  Being a smoker, I get mailings from time to time with coupons, offers, etc. from tobacco companies.  I was pleasantly surprised when I received a voucher for free tickets to the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500.  My mother has received this same offer, but for Kentucky Speedway (as she lives in Louisville).  I’ve decided to bring my mother, as I don’t think Rachel will be comfortable in the heat all day.  We get free parking and free rental of headset radios to listen in on the teams.  I’ve never been to the 500 before, and being free makes it that much better.

That’s One Big Apple

It was an amazing trip.  Rachel and I have both came to the conclusions that the stigmas regarding New York from the “old days” are still around, at least where we live.  We felt safe at all times, and only saw a handful of homeless.  I saw many people out trying to help the homeless.  They seem to have people on every block asking for donations.

The first day we arrived late in the day due to plane delays, so we just walked around a little bit and ate dinner.  Our hotel, the Marriott Marquis is located right in the heart of Times Square.  We could see a sliver of the new years ball from our hotel room.

Enjoy the slideshow containing all of our pictures from the trip!

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