
A Little Fishy

I applied for a position listed in the Herald-Times and got it!  The bad part is something just seems a little fishy.  I did some exhaustive research regarding this “industry,” as there are many other companies that do the same exact thing.  I couldn’t find any pending litigation, or scams relating to this.  So I’m taking a chance.

The “official” title is, Online Store Administrator.  When it comes down to it, I’m just scanning pre-paid online game cards and sending them to “My Boss.”

Here are the instructions I was given regarding the position:

I was not given any further instructions, including an important step in the process.  Where to send it to.

When I ask questions, I’m lucky to get a response I understand.

Although everything doesn’t seem to be on the “up and up,” this could be a very lucrative venture.  I will supposedly be paid $23 for each card I scan.  I asked how many I will receive per day, week, etc. and got this as a response, “usually it’s about 5-7 per once.”

WTF does that mean?  I sent another email asking for clarification, and I’m still waiting on a response.


Bloomington has it’s own “pedia.”  It’s basically a clone of wilkipedia, but everything is related to my hometown.

There are many interesting articles about what Bloomington is and what this town used to be.

My wife is constantly trying to find ways to promote my business, which I appreciate greatly.  She added it, and I did a little revising.

Then I looked up ROX, and came up with nothing.  Always being grateful for all the nice things the guys have done for me, I made an article on it about ROX. 

I only hope that people who watched the show in it’s hayday will append to what I’ve started.

This town has a vast, rich history and I think this is a perfect way to try to remember those things that don’t make the history books. 

Check it out:

Is The World Spinning, Or Is It Just Me?

Not too long after I awoke today, something very strange happened to me.

I had what I’m calling a mini-seizure.

Just as I was about to take my morning dose of anti-seizure medication, the world started spinning.  It felt like when you get off of a tilt-a-whirl, and still feel like your spinning.

I lost all orientation.  Trying to be smart, I even stepped to the left to “try” to walk as swiftly as I could to my bed.

My stomach became very upset as well, and stayed that way for most of the day.

My dizzy feelings went away after a few minutes, and I laid down to rest my weary mind.

My mental capacity has also been diminished most of the day.  Here it is almost 1am and I’m wide awake, my mind bursting with thoughts.

I hope this is the optimist in me speaking, but one very good thing happened here today, I never lost consciousness!  This has only happened one other time, 7 years ago.

I hope I will someday be as lucky as Editor B.  He had epilepsy for years, and it eventually went away.  The jury’s still out on my case, but this may be a step in the right direction.

Letting The Numbers Speak

To help us determine ways to save energy costs and consumption, I have created spreadsheets of our utility bills and a spreadsheet for the fuel consumption of my truck.

From what I have entered thus far I have found some very surprising facts.

I believe there is something “fishy” going on at our water company, as the numbers just don’t add up.

Here’s an example:

In March, we were billed for using 1980 gallons of water, which we were charged $9.43.  A month later, we used 1990 gallons and were charged the same amount, $9.43.  Our sewer bill shows this same descrepancy as we were charged $46.00 each month.

What’s 100 gallons of water and sewage when you’re only being charged 1/2 cent per gallon for water and 2 cents per gallon of sewage?

Here’s the amazing thing.  The installation of our new heat pump has significantly reduced our electric use.  Here’s the numbers:

Billing Date     Total KWH Used     Avg. KWH/Day     Total Charges
   3/5/07                   3023                     107.96                $261.94    
   4/4/07                   1379                       44.48                $138.55

The first set of numbers are consumption prior to installation.

Our home is powered completely by electricty.  We are using more and more energy conservation methods, and when something needs replaced we always look at how much it consumes before purchasing.

Hopefully we will get that new solar attic fan I wrote about before sometime soon.  We are even discussing purchasing a tankless hot water heater, when the time comes.  Electric models require much more infastructure than gas ones, but are still just as good.

How does your household rate?  I read somewhere that the “average” US household uses 1000 KWH per month.  If we could drop the average by 1%, we would be doing the world more than we know.

There’s a Nightmare, In My Hood

I was shocked as to what I saw in the newspaper over the weekend.

Click *here* to read the story via (Indianpolis’s ABC affiliate)

Just a few miles away, someone has been arrested for double homicide.  The gross part is the people who were murdered were being stored in drums on the guys’ property.

According to MapQuest, it is only 2.33 miles from my house!

Just take a look at the guy, kinda makes you wonder.

Here’s a link to an updated article  click *here*


What’cha Think?



It’s my new desktop.  It took a lot of time and patience to make it this way, but I enjoy it very much.  My favorite artist Van Gogh is featured here with his painting “A Night on the Rhone.”

Changing the taskbar was interesting to say the least.  I used a brazillian “theme.”  It changed EVERYTHING to spanish.  So I had to change it back without knowing anything about that language except for “si.”

To get the full effect see the full size.

Starting To Enjoy the “i” Side of “Life”

After being a Windows Media Player freak since day one, I have finally switched to the “dark side” full time.  That dark side being iTunes.

This is not a revolt against Microsoft by any means, just a change of venue so to speak.  Since the file tags for digital media have changed allowing album covers to be associated with them, I have been all about it!

The only reason we have iTunes is for my wifes’ iPod, which she hasn’t used for well over a year.  I stuck with Media Player until something changed……… iTunes, Media Player has a “store” where you can purchase music, videos, etc.  It’s called URGE, and it’s a Viacom/MTV/VH1/CMT thing.

Everytime I open up said Media Player it takes a few minutes for it to “download the URGE catalog.”  I don’t even use it, so why do I need to download this catalog?  I have tried constantly to remove it, with no luck.

If I could only use iTunes with my mp3 player.  It has it’s own program.

Still Searching, But For What?!?

Since losing my job with Sternberg, my job search efforts which were already underway have picked up significantly.  I have applied for many positions, with many different companies.

I’ve gotten several interviews, but not much more than that.

I had an interesting interview with Smithville Telephone Company (our telephone and DSL provider).  It was for a DSL support technician.  I thought the interview went well, and was told that I would be informed of a decision either way by “early” this week.  I’m still waiting…..

I had an inproptu interview at IU, in my wifes’ old stomping ground.  Interestingly enough the department I interviewed with is “somewhat” of a competitor for students with her new department.  It went great!  It’s the best interview I’ve had in a long time.  In a joking manner, the director of the department actually told me I should just stay at home since my wife’s a “big shot now.”  The job is perfect for me, as it’s mainly scanning transcripts and admission applications for the department.  I’m everything but an expert in that department, with my business experience, and the scanning I did for Baxter, I should be a shoe in.  We’ll see I guess.

Today I applied for jobs with Cook Pharmica and Whitestone.  I had to take a 6 hour test from hell just to apply to Cook Pharmica.

I still don’t know what I’m looking for exactly though.  The job market in this area is pretty bad right now.  So bad that in the end, I will probably be looking at least a 20% pay cut, if not more.  That’s just to get a job, not a job I want or desire.

Oh Cananada

Even though I am now unemployed, Rachel and I have been planning a Labor Day trip for quite some time.  At first it was going to be New Orleans to see B & XY, now it is Niagara Falls.  Since I lost my job, we have changed our plans a bit.  The most exciting thing for me will be the drive home, as we will be driving home through Canada, or what I love to call Cananada!

We leave dark and early at 4am.

Someday soon, I will make it to New Orleans.  It’s a place I’ve always wanted to go, and what makes it better is knowing someone from there.

The Stress is Over, For Now

After 4 of the longest months of my life, I am finally free.  I “lost” my job at Sternbergs.  It became a living nightmare, and the most painful thing I have ever had to do.  I wanted to quit, but couldn’t.  I started searching for other means of employment but still haven’t found another position.

All I can say about the job, is that it’s the worst I’ve ever had, and that’s saying a lot!  As a teenager, I would go through jobs like most women go through clothes.

I was treated worse than the dirt I cleaned.  Many would make messes just because they knew I would have to clean them.  I was also not allowed to use the forklift, for no reason at all!  When I started asking questions, I was terminated.

My mowing opportunity was cut short with no reason at all, I received the last of my money on the day I was fired.

I’m not upset, but not happy at the same time.  It’s almost like after you experience the “O” word, you’re relaxed, stress free and have no worries.

Hopefully I will never feel like I look in this picture anymore.

So a new search is on.  A search for a job, and a search for a career.  I have scheduled a test required for Cook Pharmica and applied to PTS Electronics and Monroe Hospital.  Wish me luck!