
The Truth Behind My Family Name

I received an interesting e-mail on Wednesday.  The e-mail, from a family researcher, has been doing a lot of reading on this and my wifes’ blogs.  The subject line read this:  Lawmaster Family History — The SECOND Strangest email You’ve Even Received

What his message was telling me, changes everything I have grown to learn about the origins of my family name.  Kinda scary!

My father has always told me that my family name, Lawmaster, derived from a swedish name, “La-meis-ta.”  He has always said that when the individual with that name immigrated to the US, he married a native american woman and it wasn’t socially acceptable at that time.  They decided to “americanize” the name to Lawmaster.

This guy has a completely different theory, and I must say it is more believable than the story my father has told me all these years.

From the documentation he has shown, and what he has said the name started in this country with Wendel Laumeister who was a 1750 immigrant to York, PA.  He was German (is that why I married a crazy Dubois county German?).  It was then changed to Lowmaster.

I am merely assuming here, but I think due to the ways of record keeping at the time, Lowmaster was easily changed by accident to Lawmaster.  Everyone writes differently, and have you ever wrote with a quill?  It’s not the easiest thing in the world.  Believe me, I know.

It is nice to connect with someone who has a broad sprectum of knowledge regarding family history issues.  I have given him names, and he’s came back with dates that I was unsure of.  Hopefully this will be a long lasting relationship.

One piece of information he gave just blew me away.  He said that a common ancestor of ours is recognized by the SAR and DAR as a Revolutionary War Patriot!  Whoa!  I don’t know of any family members being in a war besides my grandfather, who played a major role during World War II, in the pacific theatre.  He was a part of the crew who installed all of the passive radar systems in the fleet.  From what he told me back in 1996, he was on shore leave in Washington, DC when the attack on Pearl Harbor happened.  That is also where he met my grandmother, she was working at the Pentagon.  He was immediately ordered to New York City to install systems on the Atlantic Fleet.

I am now trying to get correct and accurate data about my whole family.  This is not that easy because my uncle lives in Michigan, his kids are in Florida and Arizona.  I have 3 aunts in Oklahoma, 2 of them don’t speak to the other.  My grandfather died in 2000, taking many things with him.  He was a great man, and I miss him dearly.  My grandmother is a wealth of information though, but much time has passed and it is hard to remember things from 60 years ago.

I’m still waiting on some information from my aunts in Oklahoma.  I might call them today, but I don’t know if that would offend one of them due to religious beliefs.

I Need A Graphic Designer, or Become One

I have made some strides in this new website development.  However, there are some things that I still have problems figuring out.

I have figured out this Joomla CMS tool that I am now using, but I need a graphic designer to remove some “white space” from my tattoo picture.  I would also like a version of it that is white, and one that is inverted from its current colors.

I also need to learn a little more about CSS and XHTML.  I have found many templates for Joomla that I like, but none of them blow me away.  If I could modify them or join 2 of them into one template, I would be halfway there.

I’m still adding content, and trying to figure out how to get PayPal to work with this in the grand scheme of things.  I think the grand re-launch will be a few months away.

Check it out!  I have the website online at

IU offers a Digital Design Certificate, I really want to do it.  Depending on how things go I might in the fall.  It focuses on design of brochures and such.  It also teaches about the Adobe Creative Suite.  I have a part of it, Photoshop CS3, but haven’t gotten my hands on the other programs thus far.  Who knows, LML Video Services might start to offer Graphic Design services in the future.

Starting All Over

Over the past couple of weeks I have been attempting to revamp my website.  I found a tool that in theory should help me do that.  It’s called Joomla.  It’s an open source database/document management/website tool.


There are many, and I do mean many great plug-ins and add-ins for this monster.  From blogging to e-commerce, this ones got you covered.


However, there is one problem.  I don’t have any extensive experience with these systems and way this product works.  It relies heavily on server side scripting languages and protocols such as PHP.  So I am starting from scratch with this one.  The only way I learn something like this, is to dig my head into it and see what happens when I click this or delete that.

That has been easier said than done.  Until this week, from what I knew it couldn’t be ran on a home computer.  I thought it had to be used on a web server (at least a computer with a server OS).  I found a program that emulates that your computer is indeed a server, it’s called WAMP5.  With that installed I could play with Joomla to my heart’s content.

I’m starting to learn more and more about the software every day, and I think that within a few months, a new website for LML Video Services will be born.

I just need to figure out a few more problems first.  It seems that my hosting service, Infosaic Technologies, has some strict guidelines for things such as these, many of the plug-ins and add-ins will not install correctly and it seems to be a permissions type error.  The tech guys had to actually install the software for me.  I keep prodding to see how I can get them to help me, but that’s an ongoing process.  I don’t want to leave them, as they’ve been good (and cheap) to me over the past 2 years.

If I don’t get the hosting problems resolved, there must be another way.  Hopefully I can find it.

A Change Will Do Me Good

One thing I truly need for is a new website.  Over the past couple of years I have used free templates I have found on the internet.  That has been a tremendous help as it hasn’t cost me anything for design and it enabled me to get my face out there.
I believe that is one thing that has gotten me where my business is at today, but times they are a changin’.

I need a professional website.  Not necessarily created by a professional, just one that looks professional.  I don’t have the skills for complex things such as PHP or JavaScript.  I admire to have something as nice as APM Studio, they are who I achieve to be someday.
If someone out there who wants to add something to their resume, or if you’re a student who needs to create a website for a school project.  Leave me a comment.  I’ll make it worth your wild.

The next change needed is marketing, or the current lack thereof.  My wife and I had talked about marketing my products and services to local photographers, funeral homes and various other small businesses.  I just haven’t done anything constructive with those conversations thus far.

I currently have some very good ideas.  Getting those ideas to a workable plan and seeing that plan to completion is a different story though.
The current idea is to send a letter with a personalized pamphlet to each business.  It would be your typical sales letter I guess.  In the letter it will state that I would like to make an appointment to meet with the owner or manager of each business.  After a couple of weeks I would call each place to try to set up said appointment.  I’m trying to make this personal and not some piece of “junk mail” like many businesses receive.

I am also undergoing an attempt to redesign my logo.  It’s been hard.  I removed my tattoo, as I think it looks clean and more professional.  Rachel tells me that it looks too plan and “blah!” however.  I do not want to change the conjoined LML, as this is something I actually “designed” in 4th grade.  It was to be my “celebrity” signature should I become famous, LML is my initials.

I’d like your opinions on the matter.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, I might use em. (with your okay of course)

Nothing to say, Much to Do

Many things have been happening in and around b-town lately, but I haven’t wrote about ’em.  There are many things I should be doing right now, but I haven’t been doing them.

I’m not really in a depressive state, just a “don’t want to” state.

I need to get the rest of the hallway primered.  I said I would do that a month ago.  I was going to start working on the basement this winter, but haven’t done a thing.

It’s as if much of my energy has just vanished into thin air.  When we get home, I don’t really want to be on the computer, but I am.  I check my email, see how the progress of this new software installation is going, read the newspaper, etc.  But after being on a computer for the 8 previous hours, I can’t take much at a time.

I take many breaks – from the living room to the office or outside to smoke.  It gives my knees much needed exercise.

Before I know it, it’s time to hit the sack and start this vicious cycle over again.


Letting The Numbers Speak

I have been keeping a log of all of our utility usage and costs this year.  I’m hoping to drop our electricity usage by a meager 2% per year.  I don’t want to start large and disappoint myself.

My logs for other utilities, such as water, sewer, telephone and cable haven’t been as closely monitored because I seem to can’t find some of the statements.

Our home is a total electric home, so it is easy to disseminate our total usage.

In 2007 we used a total of 17,712 KWH (Kilowatt Hours) of electricity.  We used an average of 48.9 KWH per day, which cost us on average $4.90 per day.  On average one KWH of electricity cost us $0.10 in 2007, and we paid $1,777.41 for electricity in 2007.

How do your numbers look in comparison?  I really don’t know if ours is bad or good.  So if you are a dork like me and like to keep track of things such as these, perhaps I can get some information to set my household on a track to help this earth, instead of harming it.

I’ve spent the past hour trying to get information on “average household electricity usage” but the DOE’s website is junk, and I can’t find anything else useful.

End of Year Headache… I Mean Upgrade

After finishing my last slide transfer job, the client asked me if I could transfer 120mm negatives.  My scanner had been good to me, but I needed an upgrade and a way to take some money off of the books so the tax man wouldn’t eat me alive.  I told him that I would get back with him after the upgrade.

The CSR where I really work, just upgraded a scanner and I really liked the one they went to.  It’s a HP ScanJet G4050.  When I researched it, I loved it even more.  With the ability to scan up to 16 35mm slides at a time, and also do medium format stuff such as 120mm, I went for it.  Also since my previous scanner was an HP, I had some familiarity with how their software and systems work.

I always try to read reviews very carefully before purchasing such a product, and I should have listened.

Many of the reviewers just spoke about problems with Vista – I figured such a problem, and that’s why I don’t plan on upgrading for a long time.  There were some though that should have brought up a red flag.  They spoke of problems installing the software altogether.  XP SP2 and IE 7 have thrown a wrench in HP’s software since they both came out.  I had problems with my old scanner because of this, but I didn’t think it would affect a new one, with different software.

I installed the software and everything went fine.  I scanned a few bank statements, but ran into a problem after the third, it would just freeze.  Alas, a problem.  So I tried the first thing to come to mind, uninstall and re-install.  That’s when I came into a world of trouble.  The software wouldn’t fully uninstall.  So I had to manually delete everything (including registry entries), just to re-install.  HP doesn’t support their products (except computers) on the weekends or past 6pm Mountain time, so I was SOL.  I searched deep for solutions, but only found clues.

I even installed the Vista software that came with the scanner, and it worked the same way, perfect several times and then freezing.  I gave up for the evening and decided to make a fresh start in the morning.  I installed the full software suite that I downloaded from the HP website and ta-da, it works now!

I might go to Canon or Epson for my next scanner.  Hopefully that will be several years down the road.


I haven’t posted much lately due to many reasons, in particular I haven’t had much time.  We had Taylor for a week, much needed bonding time with my daughter.

In that week, we went here, there and everywhere in between though.

My wife, Rachel, wrote in her blog a day by day synopsis of what we’ve done.  Check it out HERE!

So I’m catching up……

Helping Thy Neighbor

I have written on several occasions about how my neighbor is moving.  Rachel and I are quite saddened by this, they have been sweet and very nice to us.  We will truely miss them when they leave, which is supposed to be within a week or two.

Gary has an ice cream trailer.  He goes to festivals and fairs throughout southern Indiana.  He wants to sell it just because of the sheer distance he is moving.

So I’m lending a hand.  I’m in the process of putting it on eBay.  That’s gary right after he bought it I believe.  It’s a nice trailer, and could be a very good income.  He is including everything needed to run the business, even his contacts to festivals and fairs in this area.

So if you are interested, or know someone who is.  Leave a comment and I’ll send you his email and phone information.

BTW the asking price is $17,000

I’ll miss you Gary, I really will.  You were my first real neighbor, and Rachel and I will never forget you.

What A Concept

After living in our home with an attached 2 car garage, we have finally parked a car in it.  Hopefully for good.  Last fall, I demo’ed our garage due to many reasons.  It just needed done.  With winter on us now at full force, we thought it would be good to park the car in the garage. 

Several things had to take place before this could happen though.  When I demo’ed the garage, I removed all of the light switches and wiring attached to our florescent lights.  Over the past year or so we have had to plug in any lights in the garage to see.  Around the time of the demo, I purchased a light and heat activated switch and a receiver and transmitter for garage door openers.  Our garage door openers are old, and do not have built-in wireless remotes like they do today.

I finally got around to installing them this weekend.

Here is the switch:

It’s quite interesting.  Right now it is on all of the factory settings so when no motion or heat is detected for 5 seconds the lights go out.  They went out right before I took this picture.  Pretty good for being completely in the dark!

To make this happen, we essentially shuffled some things around.  The other side of our garage is quite “dense” now.

But the end result?  A warmer car in the morning, that won’t have any frost, ice or snow on it.  Which means I can sleep a little bit later, cha-ching!

The little Kia seems to be right at home too.  I have to admit, Rachels’ car is cute, it’s just not right for me.

I think Mr. B will concur with me on the problems with tall men in little cars.