Our household and my business recieved some nice upgrades this week.
Our new heat pump was installed Wednesday, and took all day. It was amazing to watch the guys rip the old POS out. What was even more amazing is the technology that goes into this piece of HVAC equipment.
The difference is amazing, as we can’t even tell when it turns on. The best part is that we are now saving a boatload on our home heating and cooling costs, thus saving the environment a little.
We will be receiving $650 in rebates, divided between a tax credit next year, and a rebate from our electric company.
I also purchased another hard drive to expand my capabilities for video transfers. This brings me close to having a terabyte of storage space. (For those of you who don’t know what a terabyte is, it’s 1,000 gigabytes, or 1,000,000 megabytes or 1,024,000,000 bytes.) I am now at 900 gigabytes, divided into 4 hard drives.
This new hard drive is a SATA (Serial ATA), which I have had no experience with. So far it seems to be much better, as the data transfer rates are almost double from the standard IDE connection. This makes editing video, rendering video and burning DVD’s that much faster.
My only problem with the SATA connection is more of a windows problem. When a “hot swappable” device is attached to a windows PC, an icon is automatically placed in your “tray.” I am very anal about my computer and this icon bothers me because I don’t need it, or want it!
I have done some searching on this subject, and found some clues, but nothing that has erased this icon from my desktop thus far.