I finished installing the new door we have had for months now. It didn’t turn out like I had wanted to, but the door is installed “correctly.”
The major problem is, 1. I had never installed a pre-hung door before and 2. I discovered our walls are not level, as they should be.
This created an “interesting” situation. The new door jamb is flush with both sides of the wall at the ceiling, but stick out a little bit (1/2″ or so) at the base.
I haven’t installed trim yet, so I hope that it will hide this defect somewhat. If not I might need to call in an expert.
On another note, I did some maintenance on my chainsaw and lawn mower. Now I can finally cut up the broken limbs that fell from our pine tree.
Then I can start mowing again. Many people have told me being a homeowner means constant repair and work to maintain. It’s starting to kick in. It’s not that I don’t enjoy these things, it’s just the amount that is bothering me.
After these items are done, I am hopefully going to start on my tedious garage/basement remodel. I only have a year left (the wife told me so). 🙂
Thanks to Freecycle, we have been unloading gravel and sand by the truckload lately. Almost all of our gravel is gone, and some of the sand has been taken. If you live in B-town, and need sand, CONTACT ME!