I am now with no constant clients for my business, so I’m starting the daunting task of saving my favorite little show from B-town from dust.
I have a new game plan now which I think will be better for the long run, but I still need YOUR help. Yes I mean you!
Many episode masters have heat damage, and I can do no better than getting a copy of the already damaged master. If you have ANY episodes of ROX, formerly J&B on the ROX email me, I’m begging you. It doesn’t matter if you only have half of an episode, please send it!
Without help from the public, I will need to start looking into alternatives to possibly restore these damaged episodes. The only drawback is that restoration costs money. If I have to go this route, donations to ROX would be most helpful.
Another way to help is to buy Season Zero which has been available on DVD for over a year now!
The new plan is to burn each episode to DVD once it is to a good standard. This will save space on my hard drives and save my work. Once I have a season completed, it will be released to DVD for the world to consume.
Forgetting the past is just like destroying the future, so help me save ROX’s history!