Podcasts, a thing that have soared in popularity. Not with me personally. They are something I never thought I would be on either. I’ve been trying to not say that word, never, though. As just when I typically use it – a thing happens.
A dear friend of mine started a podcast up after his long tenure in local government ended. His podcast is about local government, and how citizens work with it to get things done.
It just happens to be the case that I’ve been involved with a little statue you may have heard about? He wanted to speak with me and the first president of our group.
Peter did a lot of the heavy lifting when it came to working with government to make things happen in the beginning, and I will always state that. I was a part of a separate group, formed on Reddit who were trying to accomplish the same task at the same time. It was the host of the podcast who introduced Peter and I. The rest they say is history I suppose.
My largest role in our group? It was I who officially organized The Janeway Collective to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, and got a lot of that business nobody really wants to do handled.
It was a good experience, and I had fun. I really do not enjoy the sound of my voice, but Peter and Steve’s voices are smooth as butter it seems. Perhaps it’s a confidence thing? IDK.
Those who don’t have a deep knowledge of NASCAR won’t understand, but this has been the year of Petty for me. You see, the “king” of NASCAR is Richard Petty, and the number of his car? 43, my current age.
As with time, it has came and it is about to go. I have done many petty things during this year. Things I’ll never repeat electronically. Things I regret immensely. But through those things, I’ve learned many lessons.
I’ve learned to not let my emotions control my physical actions. I’ve learned that the feelings that I may be feeling at any moment in time will pass. That those feelings are telling me something, something I need to tune into and learn from. I’ve learned that my mood is much better with positivity instead of my normal pessimistic negative inclinations.
I’ve had a lot of darkness enter my life this year. The loss of a person I thought I would die with, the loss of my best friend and then the loss of my stepbrother. Dealing with a parent that seemed to only care about her own interests and not of her children’s, the list goes on and on. That darkness consumed me for a while, feeding the side of me that doesn’t care.
When I don’t care, all bets are off. Breaking laws? Whatever. Jail or prison? I could use a change of scenery. Use your imagination to think of the path that can lead me down. It’s very dark, very twisted and a place where light doesn’t exist.
That care however? That’s what makes me, me in many ways. That care is why I would buy a friend a futon because her ex took her couch. That care is why I always listen to others, even if their complaints are about me. That care is why my compassion for others is never ending. That care is why I ran a business not based on how much I could make, but focused on how many people I could help. That care is why helping people is a core value of mine, regardless of my own personal benefit.
Through a lot of soul searching, journaling, therapy and other things I have been able to see how much that care brings a genuine smile on my face.
Bye bye petty! I had fun with you while you were around, but from here on out I don’t have room for you and what you do to me in my life.
A classmate passed away. I only knew because another classmate let me in on the news. Thank you Erika. I have said for a long time, and I will repeat it here – they are my people. I only want them to be happy and healthy. While I didn’t know her personally, I instantly recognized the name. My ex-fiancee did know this girl. Due to her currently not having any transportation – I took her to the funeral.
It appeared as if she and I were the only people there who were not close family. This broke my heart for Anya and her family. Lyndsey spoke with her mother and father, showing them a photo of them during a sleepover when we were teenagers. Over the years we were together she has had many people who were in her life pass away, but she had never shown her pain, her tears like this.
They were extremely appreciative and grateful for us coming. It made me realize just how large small gestures can be. How much of an impact you can make by just showing up. Funerals are for the living, in a time of great grief.
May you rest in peace Anya. You faced so many difficulties in your time on Earth and brought joy to the lives of those you touched along the way. I hope that joy is not forgotten by those you knew, those you loved.
Anya Ann Vieira, age 43, originally of Bloomington, passed away peacefully at 2:00 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at her home in Bloomfield with her loving service companion “Yuki” the malamute at her side. She was born in Bloomington, IN on October 12, 1980, the daughter of Martin Leonard & Diana Lynn (Allgood) Vieira.
She was a 1998 graduate of Owen Valley High School. She attended dental assistant school in Indianapolis and received a Bachelor’s Degree from Saint Mary of the Woods College. She enjoyed hiking, organizing and spending time with her family. Anya suffered from birth with a long list of debilitating illnesses.
Anya is survived by her loving parents; sister, Tina Hershberger of Las Vegas; nephew, Anthony Coovert; niece, Ashley Coovert as well as several aunts, uncles and cousins.
She was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Leonard and Ethel Vieira as well as her maternal grandparents, Frank and Mary Allgood.
Funeral service will be held at 1:00 pm at Welch & Cornett Funeral Home in Worthington on Friday, October 4, 2024 with Pastor Terry Dowell officiating. Burial will follow at Dixon Cemetery in Worthington.
Visitation will be held at the funeral home on Friday from 11:00 am until the time of service.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Noblesville Humane Society or the American Cancer Society through the funeral home.
I was fortunate to witness something yesterday that I don’t think many get the opportunity to see. I witnessed the toxic behaviors that used to control and drive me when it came to my romantic relationships, or to be more succinct achieving them in another.
I made a new friend, an educator at one of the local high schools who teaches ASL and is deaf. She’s a great person to text with, talk with. I met her last week and we had a great time together. While communication in public was tough at times as I don’t know ASL and her phone picked up everything from the wind to other peoples conversations – it was nice. I’m always up for making new friends.
There was a catch though. She has feelings for me. Ones that weren’t apparent to me. From the start I told her that I was just looking for friendship, nothing more.
Yesterday I went to a local Pagan Pride Day with another friend and invited her. She feels all alone and knew someone that was going to be there. We all had fun, and after we left we went to a Mexican restaurant and had a wonderful meal and conversation.
Then the night came, and being overtly outward and blunt to me she asked if I was attracted to her. I replied “no.” This sent her into a storm of which seemed like I was in a fun house of mirrors or something and I wasn’t only reading words but I could literally feel the emotion. This was me, not that long ago. This was me, most of my life.
I saw how, I saw why that was unattractive. Everything suddenly made sense as to why going slow with everything from here on out feels right and is healthier for me than the ways of the past.
It made me realize that I never want to be like that again. That I’d rather find my route alone, than let such things control me again. It’s show me why this path of growth is important, and will be best for my long term happiness.
I’ve learned many lessons this year, and due to me being a stubborn fool I always learn them the hard way.
The combination of the loss of my relationship and associated grief caused me go to what is normally my safe space, using all of my energy to find anyone to replace that feeling. This summer I got that out of my system and was able to take a hard look at myself and see just how toxic that was. Not just to me, but to those I encountered as well.
Therapy has been extremely helpful at looking within myself, finding out the causes of these behaviors in my life and more importantly how to change them for the better. I don’t see myself ending therapy for quite some time. Most of the time I enter therapy to “fix” a problem, but my mindset has changed, and my life has changed. I’m not out to fix a problem, but rather to pivot how I react to adversary, how I react to those situations that isn’t 100% agreeable with my wants. Like many, I am a creature of habit and look to examples of my childhood as the answer to such situations.
Unfortunately in many cases I was never presented with the right examples as a child. I was given every example of what not to do, what not to be. Some of those examples seemed to have snuck in there though, to the detriment of so much and many in my life.
With almost all of my personal relationships, whether they be friendships or romantic entanglements, I’ve never been the kind of person who enjoyed or respected boundaries. I’m 100% in or not in at all. I may not release my deepest and darkest secrets to a person, but they will know all of me, heart and soul.
I’m finding those boundaries to be in some ways as exciting as they are fulfilling. It shows that I respect the other person, and in turn it shows the same respect for me. It gives me time to reflect on interactions, and think of what I did right, what I could do better, and in some cases what I did wrong. This also provides the energy and time to still focus on myself instead of reverting to the toxic behavior of throwing my entire self into another, which has been only a detriment to me in the past.
We all live in our own timeline, and for most of my life I have compared it to others. Sometimes that comparison has fueled toxic behaviors. I now finally feel free to be me and merely exist as I wish, as I want. This is something that usually fills me with anxiety and loneliness, but now it provides me with a feeling of peace and self security that I’m not sure I’ve felt before.
Through writing this, I have discovered some more things about myself that do need to be improved and/or changed to further actualize these changes, but we are all works in progress. If we stop learning, if we stop advancing, don’t we stop experiencing what it is to be human?
My date over the weekend was rescheduled to be on Sunday, but that’s okay. I didn’t feel well at all Saturday. To the point where I had to take some pain meds and just let the day sail away on me. I missed the finishing of a friends documentary production, and the luau, but that’s okay as well. Listening to my body, and what it tells me is important.
I wanted to pick her up, but she was running errands near the location of the date so we met there instead. I thought I would get there a little early, but due to traffic I showed up almost on time – and she was already there again. Gah! Make mental note to be there even earlier next time as to not keep a lady in waiting.
We shared a wonderful meal together, along with wonderful and intellectual conversation. In our conversations she called herself a flower, who’s petals slowly bloom. I finally started to see some blooming happening.
She’s a student, with her research focused on cultural musical rhythms, and how they affect the brain. I find that fascinating. She sings opera, and has done musical theater! Be still my heart <3. When we began communicating, I had given her the URL of my website, and she let me in on the fact that she’s been reading along (Hey there, I see you 😉 ). The fact that my writings regarding my healing, and my ex didn’t run her off meant mountains to me. We talked a little about our thoughts and dreams of the future, of which I can see a shared vision between us. This date was definitely more intimate than the first one, where I felt like a blabbering fool entertaining a princess at court.
As the date ended, I walked her to her car and as if a whisper in the wind spoke to me, I kissed her. It didn’t end with a simple kiss however, oh no. There we stood, in the middle of a mall parking lot, passionately kissing and holding each other for a time I didn’t record. A time that felt so long but in reality was so short. It was beautiful, it was magical, and it was something that had been ramping up in our conversations with each other.
While wrapped up in each other she paused to say, “I really need to get my work done.” It brought a smile to my face, as time with her has been extremely limited. Something I yearn for more of, but understand because she really is a quite busy person.
So a fire has been lit, I look forward to seeing all parts of it. The smoke, the flame, the ash.
A large theme in therapy has been on centering myself. Allowing myself to feel my emotions, and acknowledge what they are telling me without letting them control or guide me in directions that are traditionally negative.
Sadness is still my prevalent emotion. It brings a flood of warmness beginning in my chest, which rises up my body and exits through tears that flow like a stream. The tears in turn cause my mind to take me to the regrets, the mistakes and the missed opportunities of the past. The “what ifs” runneth over.
The weekend didn’t do me any favors in this department. Trying to repair the bridges I burned. Trying to pivot and just be a friend with my ex fiancee, for her to discard me because of the insecurities of another put me in that place. A pivot that I was embracing with open arms.
This too shall pass though. Just like any struggle in life, it will pass. Instead of holding these things with all of my might I am trying to feel them and let them pass through me as if they were a bolt of lightning. It’s been helpful, but nobody enjoys feeling such things over and over and over again. It’s a groundhog’s day of emotional torture.
It is taxing on the soul, and lately it’s been taxing on my body. I’ve been waking feeling as if I had been hit by a truck. Eating has been difficult, and most other tasks have been as well, including work.
I must look to what the future holds, and stop holding onto the past. I must stop thinking about lost loves and past lives, as they are and will forever be in the past. I’ll never be able to go back there, even if I wanted to. This does me no good emotionally. This does me no good in advancing myself and become a better version of me.
I knew the highs of the last few days wouldn’t continue forever, and as I suspected I was right. But you know what? It’s okay, and it will be okay. What’s meant to be will, and I should not concern myself with things I cannot control. It does no good for me or my well being.
I had a wonderful night last night at the Falling in Reverse concert with my ex fiancee. A band I wouldn’t have known about or liked if it wasn’t for her. I told her that she was my conduit for this genre of music, as it’s the truth. I always liked the contrast between our musical styles.
Before the show, I snapped this photo of us. It will probably be the last photo of us together.
Both of us have changed significantly since we started hanging out as friends in 2016. I losing hair and going grey, while she lost a large amount of weight.
The first picture I have of her and I
The show was amazing, and I’m happy I went. For a while we even had a mosh pit in front of us. There were 5 bands that played, and each one put on one hell of a performance. Especially Blackveil Brides and Falling in Reverse.
Today she messaged me that she’s working on fixing things with her new guy, and because of that we can no longer really talk or hang out. I kind of saw this coming, and I understand but am filled with sadness from it.
We had spent 3 lovely evenings together, working on repairing the damages of the past and forging a new version of a friendship. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity of those 3 evenings instead of nothing at all. One of her last texts to me read, “I’m sorry maybe one day.” I hope so too Lyndsey.
This isn’t a purely sad post however, as just as the night was filled with darkness, the girl I went on a date with on Sunday texted me. It’s as if she has a sense that some words from her would be helpful to my mood. She and I seem to be getting closer and closer in a way I’ve never felt or experienced with another. It’s exciting and a literal breath of fresh air. She’s a very busy girl, so I take all of her in while I can. Our next date is planned for this Saturday, a Luau. I cannot wait, and from what it seems like, neither can she.
The future is bright, I just have to keep seizing opportunities as they come.
This weekend really was good to me, and I appreciate all that life is giving to me right now.
I had a date yesterday with someone I met on a dating website. She and I had been chatting for a while, but it was our first time meeting. I was nervous as she’s younger than me. We met at the Runciple Spoon, a place I adore but don’t go to that often. It was a bright and beautiful day. I felt like I did most of the talking, but she seemed to enjoy it. We ended our brunch date agreeing to swap phone numbers and to have a second date. I gave her a hug and we parted ways.
I came back home, still tired from the day before and sent her a message with my phone number, telling her that she could text me.
I then proceeded to fall asleep and wait for the concert I was going to see, Soul Asylum, Live and Stone Temple Pilots. 3 HUGE bands from my youth. My ex was going to be there, but after the night we had together I thought everything would be okay.
I had a ticket in the pavilion, right behind the pit. It was a great seat BUT I was surrounded by dudes. Once the lights came on I had to retreat, as they would have caused me to have a seizure if I had stayed there.
So I retreated and sat with my ex fiancee, her daughter and her friend for the rest of the show. Sure the views weren’t as good – but the company was better. The whole concert I was thinking about that date, and wondering if I’d hear back from her. With so many people ghosting me out of the blue, I assumed it would be the same thing – but it wasn’t! She texted me as I was leaving!
Tonight I have another concert, Falling in Reverse. A show the ex fiancee and I were going to go to before everything fell apart between she and I. I’m happy we are going to be able to go. I’ve missed music, I’ve missed concerts.
I felt lost for so long, but now it definitely feels as if things are looking upward in my life. I’m just going to keep taking things as they come, and appreciating the good things as they have been so far and few between.
We just setup our next date, a Luau put on by a dear friend who has helped me through some of the darkest times of my life including the recent break-up.
The day started with a hiccup, but I was able to turn it around and really feel like I seized the day.
Amelia had a volleyball game at 10am. I set an alarm as I’ve been having problems sleeping – but it didn’t go off! I woke up and it was too late to make it. Thankfully, a mom on the team live streams the games, so I was at least able to watch.
Then, as I started off on my motorcycle for a ride to see a friend in Terre Haute, I ran out of gas less than a mile away from home. I’m thankful for my neighbor and my mom for both offering their assistance in making sure my motorcycle didn’t get hit, and I could get the gas to make the trip.
It was a lovely ride to my friends place. I hadn’t rode to Terre Haute before. I’ve went through thick and thin with this friend. It had been a while since I had seen her and I needed the wind therapy. It was good to see her, her dad, her guy and the updates she’s making to her home.
While there, I was texting with my ex fiancee. She was going to go out shooting today, but was stood up. I was having so much fun with the wind therapy that I asked if she wanted to go out for a ride too. We hadn’t seen each other since May. She accepted, so we rode out to Nashville and back. Went and had dinner and then shot pool for a few hours.
It was a pleasure to finally see her, to talk to her, and to start mending the bridges I burned with her. It showed me that my emotional state is stable again. I hope this can be the beginning of the second chapter of she and I, whatever form it develops as.