My life post divorce was that I didn’t have one. For a good while, that didn’t bother me at all. I was always doing this or going here, and I was tired of that.
I worked my job, I binge watched TV shows I had never been able to see before and for the most part I was happy. But how much happiness does that sort of life lead? I’m somewhat of a social creature, for the most part the internet helped fill that void. I was lonely though. I needed touch, I needed affection, I needed intimate physical contact.
So I did what most people do these days, I put ads on dating websites/apps. What a disaster that was. It instantly showed me what our society had turned to, and I didn’t like it. I dated a lady who lived 50 miles away for a few months. We had some good times, but in the end, she turned out to be completely not trusting and wanted to control how I operated my life, and my actions. That’s when I said goodbye to that world for good.
So, I had to formulate a new plan. I was done with the thought of dating. That’s when my next step came to be. I was the guy in school who everyone knew. I was social enough to be noticed. Not everybody knew me, I only had 2 close friends ever. But, the thought of reaching out to those people I could find and catching up with them, to see how life has treated them seemed really appealing to me.
So I started reaching out. I haven’t had that much luck, but it’s a goal. It’s something that keeps my social needs met.
One of those classmates quickly turned into a relationship.