I was fortunate to witness something yesterday that I don’t think many get the opportunity to see. I witnessed the toxic behaviors that used to control and drive me when it came to my romantic relationships, or to be more succinct achieving them in another.
I made a new friend, an educator at one of the local high schools who teaches ASL and is deaf. She’s a great person to text with, talk with. I met her last week and we had a great time together. While communication in public was tough at times as I don’t know ASL and her phone picked up everything from the wind to other peoples conversations – it was nice. I’m always up for making new friends.
There was a catch though. She has feelings for me. Ones that weren’t apparent to me. From the start I told her that I was just looking for friendship, nothing more.
Yesterday I went to a local Pagan Pride Day with another friend and invited her. She feels all alone and knew someone that was going to be there. We all had fun, and after we left we went to a Mexican restaurant and had a wonderful meal and conversation.
Then the night came, and being overtly outward and blunt to me she asked if I was attracted to her. I replied “no.” This sent her into a storm of which seemed like I was in a fun house of mirrors or something and I wasn’t only reading words but I could literally feel the emotion. This was me, not that long ago. This was me, most of my life.
I saw how, I saw why that was unattractive. Everything suddenly made sense as to why going slow with everything from here on out feels right and is healthier for me than the ways of the past.
It made me realize that I never want to be like that again. That I’d rather find my route alone, than let such things control me again. It’s show me why this path of growth is important, and will be best for my long term happiness.