In my ongoing cutting the cord adventures. I finally got the replacement antenna. I assembled it last night, and installed it this morning.
At first I was puzzled, as it was receiving nothing – just like what the last one did out of the blue. I power cycled the pre-amp, distribution amp and my external tuner. Boom, I started getting reception.
So I aimed for the place I really wanted to get TV from, Indianapolis. I was picking up all of the TV stations there except for the NBC affiliate WTHR. No matter how I adjusted it – nothing. I was sad. I’ve spent so much time, effort and money on this to settle on not receiving a major TV network.
So I aimed it towards Terre Haute. The same location I had my old antenna pointed towards. Both cities carry all of the major and minor networks. The only thing that is different is the local content. Indianapolis based stations tend to carry more content focused towards my locality, whereas Terre Haute stations do not.
Not all is lost however, as I still receive content from 1 Indianapolis TV station. So if I need to watch something Indy specific, I can.
Now it’s just a matter of time. We must see if these results remain.
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