I have officially decided to try to expand my very small mowing business. Just to emphasize how small it is, I only have one customer! And that’s my current employer.
It seems to be more lucrative than video transfers, but my heart will always belong to it.
I am tired of working for someone else. I think a vast majority of americans agree with me on that point. I’m taking the first step to be my own boss.
My wife and I created the flyer below, I have printed 100 of them and I’m currently working on sending them out. I specifically picked a wide variety of businesses, churches and upper middle class to upper class homeowners who might already pay to have someone handle their yard work.
I hope to receive a 25% rate of return on this venture. If so the possibility of me being self employed is quite possible.
The only problem with a business of this type is the shear number of them in the area, literally hundreds! I do have one leg up on them though, the same leg I have with my video business, I can undercut anyone due to my lack of expenses. I have good equipment, and do a good job. I’m not trying to get rich, I’m just hoping to make the same as I do now.
Wish me luck, please?