An Ode to Taylor

It was seven years ago, that a wonderful person came into this world.  It was seven years ago that I became a father to a beautiful baby girl.

Just Born

Little by little, she has grown to become more than a child, but a friend.  Someone I rely on to lighten my day, and make me feel truly needed in this world.

Seven years can change a person; in seven years people change.  In seven years my daughter has become smart, funny and sometimes a bratty “big girl.”Her mother calls her Taylor Marie when she is mad, but her real name is Taylor Marie Nicole you see.


Being a young parent, things can be hard, but with some time and TLC those hard edges become smooth, soft and com-fy.This “Ode to Taylor,” as I like to call it, is merely about the spirit that calls on me about 2 times a month.  I am many things to this sweet blonde kiddie, but most important of all I am daddy.

She is “daddy’s little helper”, an asker of all things known to man.  She always keeps me guessing, always on my toes. 

Daddy will always love her.  I hope she will always love me.  Without her in my life, for I am not me.  I will always be around for her.  I just hope someday she becomes what she truly wants to be.   


“Danger Will Robinson!”

Do yall remember that line from the TV series and movie “Lost in Space?”

Well that’s what my computer was telling me the other day.¬† I was downloading an update for my IDE controller and having problems the whole time doing it.¬† After 2 days I finally got the update.¬† What happened afterwards is a total PITA though.

After installing I kept getting an error message when trying to load most of the programs I use.  I was essentially locked out of my own PC!  I tried all the tricks in the book to fix this problem with no avail.  So I had to wipe my hard drive and start fresh. Urgh!

I used to do it all of the time, but I had broadband internet access, which makes a big difference.¬† I have spent the past 2 days downloading updates.¬† I haven’t started on the programs that I can only get by downloading them.¬† Acrobat is 20 megs, QuickTime is roughly the same or larger, with my POS modem that will take a day just for those.

What a Week!?!

I’ve been so busy, tired and just plain confused to even think about writing for a while.¬† I have “some” free time, so I thought I would vent.

I had a chance at really making my mom & pop operation a real business!¬† Indiana University requested I give them a bid for a HUGE DVD transfer job.¬† It was going to be 250 or 500 DVD’s.¬† Luckily I had some inside information because my wife works there.¬† I tried to undercut everyone, which I think I did.¬† But in the end, the company who produced the video to be transferred received the job.¬† Better luck next time I suppose.¬† It’s nice to be considered though.¬† If I could only get my foot in the door.

Business has taken another one of it’s on again cycles.¬† My first customer had me transfer 19 VHS tapes, another co-worker wanted a tape transferred onto 2 DVDs, one in NTSC (American TV standard) and the other in PAL (a different TV standard).¬† It was a very interesting job.¬† Now the person who sits directly across from me wants me to transfer 12 VHS-C tapes into 3 DVD’s.¬† Something is better than nothing, I just hate this feast or famine stuff.

Then I had a slight computer melting problem.¬† For some unknown reason, a power connector to my video card sparked, and melted the connector.¬† Luckily a local computer shop gave me a pigtail to replace the connector and I’m back in black.¬† With as much DVD transfer and ROX work I’ve been doing, I’m seriously pondering replacing my case and upgrading to a dual-core processor.¬† From what I’ve read and researched, it would be a seamless upgrade.¬† The benefits would highly outweigh the costs.¬† For example right now it takes 2+ hours to render a ROX episode.¬† I could cut that time down to a little bit more than an hour with a dual-core processor.¬† So we’ll see I guess.

I got some interesting news today.¬† “ROXFAN” sent me an email saying he had copies of episodes 8&9 of ROX.¬† He said they are in decent shape.¬† Hopefully I will be getting a copy soon.¬† Maybe season one will get done before Christmas?

Mish Mosh

I’ve been having some connectivity problems lately with my PC.¬† It was built for speed and doesn’t like this “win” modem that I installed merely as a backup to broadband.¬† So I am not online like I used to be.

I have been doing a lot of work on our house lately.¬† Today my father, wife and I trimmed trees and moved them into a pile.¬† This took a lot of time.¬† The former homeowner did not maintain things as he should of.¬† The feng shui of my yard is starting to really flow.¬† I am starting to feel a positive vibe about it.¬† The only major¬†”to-do’s”¬†left with the yard are the remains of the pool and the trench in our yard from connecting to the sewer system.¬† They should be corrected by next year.

I am working on a 8mm to DVD job as well and found a nice feature of the software I use.¬† I can actually flip, rotate and reverse video!¬† It seems like something so small, but it’s huge.¬† I had a reel of film that was upside down and backwards, so it made it easy to fix.

I have changed e-mail addresses as well, all of you who know me got the email.¬† I am tired of juno, they seem to of sold out to “United Online.”¬† What happened to the good old dayz?

I will get to meet all of my neighbors in Sunrise Estates tomorrow for a neighborhood meeting.  A trailer park next to us wants to expand, and we are all meeting to discuss and try to supress this from happening.  I think it would be okay if this were a decent trailer park, but these trailers are not kept up, and are quite old.  Neither is the area the trailers are in.  There is no order to how they are placed.  One here, one there sort of thing.  Hopefully we can argue a happy medium. 

Until next time…..